Cat & Dog Care
Keep your dog or cat healthy.
Let Animal Hospital provide professional care for your kitten, puppy, cat, or dog. A physical exam is the smartest and easiest way to keep your pet healthy.
When you bring your animal in for an exam, we will do a thorough evaluation of every potential trouble point that they may have, including the following: ears, eyes, nose, lymph nodes, nervous system, heart, lungs, palpitation of the abdomen, skin and nail evaluation, body condition scoring, and to finish, a further assessment of any pain that may be troubling your animal.
Discover more about dog and cat care services:

Preventive Care for Dogs
Commit to a lifetime of health.
Preventive Care for Cats
Help your cat live a longer, happier life.
Puppy & Kitten Care
Give your new pet the best start in life.
Senior Pet Care
How your pet's needs change.
Pet Nutrition
Achieve the right nutritional balance.
Pet Microchipping
A microchipped pet is a safe pet.
End of Life Pet Care
A difficult decision.